本文共 2181 字,大约阅读时间需要 7 分钟。
谓词in 是连接父子查询最常用的谓词,某些情况下,in 可以用 = 代替 二、带比较运算符的嵌套查询 当子查询返回的是单值时,父查询和子查询之间需要进行值的计较时,用比较运算符进行连接。>、>=、<、<=、=、!= 题目 涉及的表格 1、student表select snamefrom studentwhere sno in( select s2.sno from score s1,score s2 where s1.cno = '3105' and s2.cno ='3245' and s1.sno = s2.sno)
select tnamefrom teacherwhere tno in( select tno from course where cno in( select cno from score group by cno having count(sno)=7//学生人数为7个 ))
select snamefrom student where sno in( select sno from score where cno in( select cno from course where cname = '高等数学' ))
select avg(grade) as 平均成绩from scorewhere cno in( select cno from tno in( select tno from teacher where sex ='男' ))
select max(grade) as 最高分from scorewhere cno in( select cno from course where tno in( select tno from teacher where dept = '电子工程' ))
select tnamefrom teacherwhere tno in( select tno from course where cno in( select cno from score where sno in( select sno from student where sname like '王%' ) ))
select snamefrom studentwhere sno not in( select sno from score where cno = '3245')
select count(sno) as 选修人数from scoregroup by cnohaving avg(grade) > 75 and cno in( select cno from course where tno in( select tno from teacher where prof = '助教' ))
select proffrom teacherwhere tno in( select tno from course where cno in( select cno from score group by cno having count(sno) > 6 ))
select sno,snamefrom studentwhere sno in( select sno from score group by sno having count(cno) > 3)
select tnamefrom teacherwhere tno in( select tno from course where cno in( select cno from score where grade in( select grade from score where sno in( select sno from student where dept = '计算机' ) ) ))
select deptfrom teacherwhere tno in( select tno from course where cno in( select cno from score where sno in( select sno from student where sname = '匡明' ) ))